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Uma Lekamge

Uma Lekamge

Uma Lekamge, currently attending Gateway College Colombo, is in year 12, sitting for her Advanced Levels (Science and Language) in the near future. She is the existing choir leader of The Senior Choir of Gateway College and holds the position of Chief Coordinator of the Buddhist Society. Over the span of six years at Gateway, she’s taken part in badminton, netball, rowing and has competed in Inter-House Tournaments and Inter-International Tournaments for basketball. She also plays thetrumpet in the Senior Brass Band of Gateway College.

She migrated to Sri Lanka permanently after living in Doha, Qatar for 6 years where her music and oriental dancing career began. As a young girl, Uma was a keen dancer and frequently performed for major concerts within the Sri Lankan community in Doha.Uma began playing the piano at the age of 6, completing her examinations under The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) up to Grade 3 and now continues with Trinity College London, under which she’ll be sitting for her Grade 8 examination. She sit for Piano Theory exams alongside piano practicals, currently doing Grade 6 under Trinity College. Drama is hobby, having performed for school and competitions and being awarded a Merit for her Drama Ordinary Levels examination.

Uma became a member of the Soul Sounds Academy Choir about one and a half years ago and competed at the Asia Pacific Choir Games 2017, which she also took part in with Gateway College. Afterwards, she was recruited for Soul Sounds and has been a member since June 2017.

“Soul Sounds is an addition to my life I didn’t know I desperately needed. It’s a place to fall in love, over intoxicating harmonies, good food and even better company. Words cannot express the gratitude I have towards Aunty Soundarie for letting me be a part of a choir that feels so strongly of home. It’s been a roller coaster of unforgettable moments and I can’t wait for more.”

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